I do not pretend to be anything I am not. Sure there was a time when all I wanted was for people to like me and see me as a good guy. I would turn into a chameleon depending on the day or mood or company I was keeping at any given time. But now, not so much. The failures, mistakes, moments of weakness, and episodes that found me flat on my face or ass changed me. Not in a hard way, but in a very positive, this is who I am and if you do not like it oh well kind of way.

Feeling as though I am really in a groove in life is a great way to wake up every morning. From reporting to a job I love to spending my evenings with my boys and a cute little red headed girl, it is a good time to be me. I have been counting the days since everything changed and I found myself on the path I always believed I should be on. Today is day # 472. And while I cannot wait to hit 1000 days and beyond, I savor each one today as though it was the first or last.

I think that is why I do not blog as much anymore. It's not that I am going to stop, because I thoroughly enjoy writing these posts. But I think maybe a different direction should be taken, where I write shorter posts about the days or weeks events. I mean, in the past I have made you laugh, made you cry, written about memories and pain, heart ache and heart break, a little of this and a little of that. It always has been the best and most therapeutic way for me to unload my shoulders and heart and press reset. Now, I approach each day eager about the next, and I want to record that. As my career continues to soar, as I prepare to make her life one with mine, and as I stand on the cusp of greater things with my brother Ralph, I want to be able to go back and look at how I was feeling each day when I reach the next pinnacle in life. I hope you will all enjoy being along for the ride. I will still take the time to make you laugh, make you cry, make you think, just as Jimmy V said we all should do. And of course the spirit of my mother will always be an undertone of anything I ever write.........or anything I ever do. But I also hope you cheer as I move upward and onward everyday.

Stay tuned. Day #472 almost complete........................


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