It's not just dinner, it's an adventure

I like to have fun. No matter what I do, laughing and having a blast is always better than the alternative every day of the week. Don't get me wrong, I know when to be serious. At work, I am focused and driven. When things go south, I know how to take the train and set it back on the track. But most of the time, I like to keep things loose and fun, as it seems to keep the team moving in the right direction. And when not at work, I enjoy keeping the people around me smiling. So when you take me out somewhere, be advised it's not just dinner, it will be an adventure.

As far back as high school, I have been at the center of what I am sure are stories of restaurant lore. On senior year prom night, my date was so embarrassed when I put the straws together and drank the water from the fountain at The Olive Garden. Probably not the best idea, especially when you consider the upset stomach that followed the next day. Another time I managed to accidentally find my way into the ladies room at Dock Street, one of my mom's favorite stories that she shared with ALL my friends though the years. And don't even get me started on the 10th anniversary dinner Angel and I had at Mitchell's in Worthington (I am still not sure if I am allowed back.)

When you take my penchant for fun and add it to Bethany's quick wit and sense of humor, the results are over the top. The last two night's we have had dinner and drinks. Last night at BW3's' we had the poor server convinced that if she put a smiley face on the receipt she would get a complaint to the manager. The young lady was very sweet and tolerating, as she sat at our table and joined in the fun. We asked for water and gave her a hard time when she took a few minutes to get it, and even ducked out to smoke, making her believe that we had left before the food even got there. And when she mistakenly referred to us as a couple, we both took the opportunity to explain the 20 year history of our friendship, which she sat at the table and listened to every word. By the end of the night, I am sure we became customers we would never forget. But that was nothing compared to tonight.

Applebee's on Polaris was packed, with a 25 minute wait just to get a table. Kids eat free night was working out for them. We got out table and Caitlin came over to greet us. B ordered a Miller Lite, and I a Mountain Dew. We explained to her that if either glass was more than half empty during the evening, she wouldn't want to see how we react. I think she knew we were joking, but every three or four minutes she came with refills. We poked at her the whole dinner and she was unflappable. When we were ready to leave, Bethany asked if she could steal the beer glass. Not only did Caitlin play along, she brought her another empty glass because "you guys have to have two". Again with the couple thing. This time we skipped the story and asked to speak to her manager. I am not sure what she expected, but we were happy to the boss that she was by far the best server we ever had at Applebee's and that we would be back to sit in her section.
I always have a great time when out to dinner. When Miss Bethany and I are out, anything can really happen. Another great night, more great new memories. It has been a good month.

Early day tomorrow, time to turn in. Good Night All.....................................


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