It is what it is

Truer words have never been spoken, am I right? No matter the situation, it can always be said that it is what it is.

Today the rain and storms once again struck us around 4 pm, prompting me to dismiss the entire team for the second day in a row. Can't have people cleaning outdoors during a lightning storm. It feels like we have been working the same tasks for a year, as we keep getting delayed by mother nature.. Hopefully tomorrow we can wrap them up. But again, it is what it is.

On a better note, I set my schedule for the next two months. We will be keeping a small team on site for hotshot items that may pop up for the client. I will lead that team, however, I will be able to come home every weekend during that time. So starting next Friday, i will have free time if my Columbus friends want to get together.

Last note, I will be looking for an apartment to move into around August first. If anyone knows of a nice, affordable 2 or 3 bedroom, Please let me know. I am open to location as long as............'SGOOD


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